Bridge - Located in the city’s center with a very romantic scene, since the French colonial period, Mong Bridge has become the dating venue of young couples.
Ben Nghe canal, connecting District 1 and District 4, Mong is the only
bridge in Saigon that was built in the French colonial period.
French transport company Messageries Maritimes hired Levallois Perret
construction company to build this bridge in 1893-1894.
The bridge is 128 meters long, 5.2 meters wide, with 0.5 meter sidewalk.
The French called it "Messageries Maritimes Company Bridge" while Vietnamese called it Mong Bridge.
There are different interpretations about the name of the bridge.
to the original design, the bridge was used for both pedestrians and
motor vehicles. At present, it only serves pedestrians.
the construction of the East - West Avenue and the Saigon River Tunnel
in the 2000s, the bridge was dismantled completely.
After completion of these works, the bridge was assembled.
Today, this historic bridge is still a popular destination for young people as well as tourists.
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