

Tạo Hóa Tuyệt Vời

     What fun God must have had the day he designed these beauties.  

1.  Himalayan Monal


2. Formosan Magpie

3. Flamecrest


4. Golden Pheasant


5. Green Jay


6. Kingfisher


7. Lady Amherst's Pheasant


8. Bleeding Heart Pigeons


9. Nicobar Pigeon


10. Quetzal


11. Winson's Bird Of Paradise



12.Bird of Paradise

13. Peacock

14. Sup, Polish Chicken


" I Can see how it might be possible for a man
to look down upon the earth
and be an atheist,
but I cannot conceive how
he could look up into the heavens
and say there is no God."
Abraham Lincoln

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