Thân mến chuyển hình ảnh những Nhà Thờ Đẹp Nhất Thế giới.
The neo-Gothic Las Laras Sanctuary sits perched on a bridge spanning a deep river gorge in southern
Colombia -- one of South America's most dramatic churches. 34 years to construct

Notre-Dame Basillica of Montreal

Barcelona’s and Antoni Gaudi’s, LaSagrada Familia
Construction commenced in 1882. Estimated completion date: 2026
144 years

The soaring pillars and rainbow-hued stained glass windows of the Sagrada Familia’s interior.

Asis Church, Taos, N.M.

Cadet Chapel at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

The 150-foot tall Cadet Chapel......17 spires.

Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona, AZ.

Borgund Stave Church, Norway

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Washington Island, Wis.

Duomo in Milan
Construction commenced 1386
Completed 1965 579 years

Greek island of Santorini

St. Vinzenz Church, Heiligenblut, Austria.

Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.

Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome

Interior of Saint Peter’s.

St. Michaels Cathedral, Kiev, Ukraine

Cathedral-Basilica, New Orleans.

Church of Assumption, Bled Lake, Slovenia

Church of Our Savior, St. Petersburg, Russia.

St. Peter’s interior.

Chapel of the Rock, Estes Park, Colo.

Heddal Stave Church, Norway

St. Bartholoma, Lake Konigssee, Germany

Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady Aparecida, Brasilia,Brazil.

Brasilia’s interior.

St. Basil’s, Moscow, Russia.

Collegiate Church of Notre-Dame, Dinant, Belgium

Lutheran Church of Hallgrimur, also known as Hallgrimskirkia, Iceland

Chapel of Thanksgiving in Dallas, TX.

Our Lady of Covadonga Cathedral, Spain.

Salisbury Cathedral, Britain
Construction: 1220 - 1320

Yosemite Valley Chapel, Yosemite National Park.

Nuestra Nenora de Gracia, Cuenca, Spain

Stowe Community Church, Stowe, Vermont
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